Soft Launch Islamic Finance and Halal Knowledge Centre

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Soft Launch Islamic Finance and Halal Knowledge Centre
Venue: Level One, PTAR 2, UiTM Shah Alam
Date:  21-12-12
Time:  11.00 am

Efforts/Organized by:
Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak PTAR 2, ZBW Leibnix Information Centre for Economics Germany, Institute of Business Excellence (IBE), Faculty of Business Management (FBM), and Arshad Ayub Graduate Business School (AAGBS)

TNCs, Deans, Deputy Deans, Directors, Deputy Directors, Heads, Coordinators, Students.

Honorary Guests:
HDC, CIMB, JAKIM, INCIEF, Usul Warisan Holding Sdn Bhd.

To initiate the first knowledge center hub, specializing in providing an e-platform for networking and linkages in Islamic Finance and Halal Research, representing gateways to access relevant expertise, resources, publications, books, theses, and journals in Islamic Finance & Halal Research. The knowledge center is conceived to be a new phase in compilation of a local as well as international database of valuable resources, accessible anywhere at the push of a button, thus taking information management to a new level in this information age.

10.50 am – Registration
11 am – Introduction
11.10 am – Doa
11.15 am - Speech & Launch by YBhg TNC
11.25 am - Video Montage
11.30 am – The End and Refreshments
In order to launch Halal Collection, given all listings link on matters related HALAL as reference. This is an early effort between the Library and the Faculty of Business Management UiTM
Halal Education Link
Halal Food Link
Halal Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals
Halal Tourism

Islamic Finance Link

EconBiz Open finds open access material in business and economics
EconBiz - Free Search Engine for Economics and Business Studies with new Features and new Design

Posted via email from faizar's posterous

Konferensi Pustakawan UiTM 2012

Konferensi Pustakawan UiTM 2012

Tempat: Intekma Resort, Shah Alam,
Tarikh: 18 - 20 Disember 2012
Tema : Ke Arah Universiti Penyelidikan - Satu Transformasi

Posted via email from faizar's posterous

Adobe Create the Web Tour (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Want to find out how Adobe is helping move the web forward and get an exclusive sneak peek at new tools, technologies and services for web designers and developers?

Join us for our free half-day event to learn about the latest tools and techniques for creating content for the modern web.

Adobe's top experts will cover all the latest HTML5, CSS3, motion graphics, web development and more - an overview of new tools to create experiences that push the boundaries of possibilities on the web.

The latest in:

•   HTML
•   CSS
•   Motion graphics
•   Web development

And more!



Date: 22 January 2013, Tuesday

Time: 9am to 1pm

Maple Junior Ballroom
Concourse Level
One World Hotel
First Avenue,
Bandar Utama City Centre
47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Posted via email from faizar's posterous

Adobe Menawarkan Creative Suite 2 Secara Percuma Kepada Semua

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Perisian daripada Adobe, terutamanya beberapa perisian terkemuka seperti AcrobatPhotoshop, InDesign, Premiere Pro dan sebagainya boleh dikatakan agak mahal untuk pengguna perseorangan.

Photoshop CS2
Untuk makluman Version terkini sehingga 2012 , Adobe Creative Suite 6 boleh dirujuk laman web rasmi Adobe Creative Suite

Namun, sekiranya anda ingin mendapatkannya secara percuma, kini pihak Adobe sendiri menawarkan koleksi perisian Creative Suite 2 mereka kepada para pengguna Windows dan Mac.

Apa yang ditawarkan oleh Adobe melalui Creative Suite 2 yang berusia sekitar 10 tahun ini adalah;

  • Acrobat 3D
  • Acrobat Pro 8
  • Acrobat Standard 7.0
  • Audiotion 3
  • Illustrator CS2
  • InCopy CS2
  • InDesign CS2
  • Photoshop CS2
  • Photoshop Elements 4.0/5.0
  • Premiere Pro 2.0

 Samada ianya satu kesilapan atau satu gimik tidak dapat dipastikan

Ia tidak diketahui sampai bilakah tawaran ini disediakan oleh pihak Adobe. Jadi, bagi yang berminat, mungkin boleh melayari laman tersebut dibawah, dan memuat-turunnya secara percuma hari ini.


Adobe CS2 Download


Muat-turun Adobe Creative Suite 2


sumber :

amanz.myAdobe Menawarkan Creative Suite 2 Secara Percuma Kepada Semua



More Useful Links:





Posted via email from faizar's posterous

Tahniah Faizah berjaya ke Darul Quran Kuala Kubu Bharu

Monday, January 7, 2013

Tahniah diucapkan kepada Along kerana berjaya dalam proses temuduga kemasukan ke Darul Quran JAKIM bagi PROGRAM PENSIJILAN TAHFI AL QURAN JAKIM -UIAM SESI 2013-2014 SEMOGA BERJAYA . AMIN


Posted via email from faizar's posterous