Lintas Langsung Majlis Perkahwinan Diraja ( Royal Wedding Prince William and Kate Middleton )

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lintas langsung Perkahwinan diRaja Britain semalam mencatatkan rekod dalam tayangan video online semalam, mengatasi perlawanan akhir Piala Dunia 2010 sebagai acara langsung yang paling ditonton di Internet, kata penyedia perkhidmatan Akamai. 

Syarikat penyedia pelayan itu berkata, seramai 2.4 juta akses telah dicatatkan ketika perkahwinan tersebut berbanding 1.6 juta semasa perlawanan akhir Piala Dunia. Akamai menjangkakan sebanyak 5.4 juta kali klik seminit dilakukan ke atas bahagian berita perkahwinan diraja tersebut, yang juga acara berita yang kelima paling dilawati dalam sejarah. – DPA 

Selain dari itu Guinness World Records menjangkakan pasangan diraja ini akan memecahkan beberapa rekod dunia dalam kategori perkahwinan. 

Berikut adalah jangkaan diperoleh daripada buku Guinness World Records: 
1. Penonton televisyen paling ramai.  
Dianggarkan seramai 750 juta orang dari 74 negara menonton perkahwinan serba mewah Putera Charles dan Puteri Diana pada 1981. Dengan perkembangan media dan perhatian masyarakat tentang perkahwinan selebriti, perkahwinan William dan Kate Middleton bakal ditonton lebih ramai orang, mungkin mencecah satu bilion. 

2. Pasangan paling dirujuk di Internet.  
Pada era teknologi maju ini setiap maklumat terkini dapat diperoleh melalui Internet. Peminat pasangan diraja pasti melayari laman web apa saja untuk mengetahui berita mengenai mereka. Waktu ini, pasangan Khloe Kardashian dan Lamar Odom menduduki tempat pertama perkahwinan selebriti yang dirujuk pengguna Internet.

3. Kek perkahwinan terbesar.  
Dengan jumlah tetamu yang ramai, William dan Kate memerlukan kek perkahwinan yang besar dan mahal. Menurut Guinness World Records, kek perkahwinan terbesar adalah seberat 6.8 tan yang dihasilkan tukang masak di Mohegan sun, Connecticut, Amerika Syarikat untuk acara pameran perkahwinan pada 2004. 

4. Potongan kek perkahwinan paling mahal. 
Berdasarkan rekod, potongan kek kahwin Duke dan Duchess of Windsor pada 1937 dijual pada harga AS$29,900 (RM) pada 1998 di pusat lelongan Sotheby’s. Dan kek buah William dan Kate dijangka tahan lebih lama dan pasti dijual dengan harga lebih mahal.

5. Gaun termahal dan paling panjang.
Tidak ada siapa yang tahu bagaimana rupa gaun perkahwinan yang akan dipakai Kate kerana masih dirahsiakan. Rekod, gaun pengantin paling bergemerlapan dibuat daripada 43,000 kristal di Romania tahun lalu. Tudung pengantin Lubnan, Sandra Mechleb terhampar sepanjang 3.3 kilometer pada 2009. 
sumber: harian metro

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White iPhone 4 finally available

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Apple officially announced that the white iPhone 4 will arrive on April 28th.

Apple today announced that the white iPhone 4 will be available beginning tomorrow. White iPhone 4 models will be available from Apple's online store (, at Apple's retail stores, AT&T and Verizon Wireless stores and select Apple Authorized Resellers.


Internationally, the white iPhone 4 will also be available in Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Macau, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, and UK. 

Apple also announced that the iPad 2 will officially launch in 12 new countries this week:

Apple today announced that iPad 2, the second-generation of its breakthrough post-PC device, will arrive in Japan on Thursday,
April 28 and Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and eight additional countries on Friday,
April 29. iPad 2 will be available at Apple retail stores at 9 a.m. local time, select Apple Authorized Resellers, and online through the Apple Store ( beginning at 1 a.m.
Additionally, iPad 2 with Wi-Fi will be available in China beginning Friday, May 6.

The full list of new countries debuting the iPad 2 on the 29th includes Hong Kong, India, Israel, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.


White iPhone 4 Delayed


The phone, which was delayed by production problems, will be sold at Apple's online and physical stores, AT&T and Verizon stores, and other retailers.

"We appreciate everyone who has waited patiently while we've worked to get every detail right," Phil Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of worldwide product marketing, said in a news release Wednesday.

Apple initially planned to sell both black and white versions of the device when the iPhone 4 was released in June 2010. "White models of Apple's new iPhone 4 have proven more challenging to manufacture than expected," the company said in a statement at the time.

In an email Wednesday, Brian White, a Ticonderoga Securities analyst, said the delay has led to a "mystique" for the white iPhone that could boost sales for Apple until the expected release of the next-generation iPhone later this year.

"The purchase of consumer electronic devices is not always a completely rational decision, and people buy Apple products for many different reasons, including status, aesthetics, functionality, quality and the 'cool factor,' " White wrote.

Apple on Wednesday also said it will expand sales of its iPad 2 tablet computer to Japan on Thursday. That launch had been delayed last month as Japan recovered from a devastating earthquake and tsunami.


Sales of the iPad 2 will begin Friday in Hong Kong, India, Israel, South Korea, Macau, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.

Apple stock finished regular trading Wednesday at $350.15, down 27 cents, or 0.1 percent, from Tuesday's closing price.




White iPhone was presented simultaneously with the black model in June 2010. It was planned that it will go on sale in July, but then Apple postponed its release first to the end of the year, and subsequently to the beginning of 2011. However, the company never disclosed the exact reason for persistent delays.


One of the co-founders of Apple, Steve Wozniak has described the reason for constantly delaying their decision to ship smartphone iPhone 4 in white casing. He said that the white iPhone transmits light when photos are taken with flash, writes VentureBeat.

According to him the photos taken with white iphone look as if they have been taken through cellophane. Wozniak told this in an interview to Engadget.

60-year-old co-founder of Apple, also known as Woz, said that he discovered the problem with white casing after he purchased the kit as replacement to the black one from an online store opened by a British teenager. This store sells spare parts manufactured in the factories of Taiwanese company Foxconn.

At the same time Wozniak said that Apple has already developed a solution to this problem. It is expected that iPhone 4 in white casing will hit the retail market early this year.





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A royal view of the wedding procession, right in your browser

Houses of Parliament & Big Ben, London

As we approach Friday and the marriage of Prince William and Catherine Middleton, many locations in central London are in the spotlight. Last month we expanded our 3D imagery of central London’s buildings and trees in Google Earth to help you explore the royal wedding procession route.

As we get closer to the wedding day, we’ve also featured a few highlights along the procession route for you to explore in 3D using Google Maps with Earth View. If you have the Google Earth plug-in installed, you can get started viewing these spots though an immersive tour right away, or you can download the Google Earth plug-in to explore Google Maps in 3D.

With one click, you can travel to Buckingham Palace, fly to an aerial perspective of Westminster Abbey, or get a clock-level view of Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. Get started seeing these and other highlights at

Whatever way you're celebrating on Friday, we hope this rich data of London in Google Earth and Google Maps brings you that little bit closer to this historic event.

via  google-latlong 

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Image of the Day: Android anatomy lesson

An Android is More Human Than You Know [Anatomy]



Who knew that this little green robot had a heart? But that's not all…there are at least 20 unique parts that make Android run. From a secret stash of donuts to his hydrochloric digestor, check out the image for more on everyone's favorite smartphone mascot.

We’ve always imagined what could be inside the mascot of our favorite smartphone operating system. While our friend Gary Booth gave us his take with his Exploded Andy T-Shirt released some time ago, one artist – woofdude on furaffinity – had a different idea. Not everything here is appropriate for non-adults. (And no, I won’t describe what I’m talking about – you’ll just have to find it yourself.) I do love the thought of a donut stash sitting inside of what would normally be a human stomach, though. Take a look at the image above. 

via Phandroid


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How Schools & Academic Can Use Facebook to Build an Online Community

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

David Hartstein is a partner at JG Visual, an Internet strategy company that works with organizations to develop and implement their online presence. You can connect with David on the JG Visual Facebook Page.

The word “Facebook,” so ubiquitous across the world, is enough to make any educator uneasy. When I was teaching at an elementary school in New York, the topic of social media came up from time to time. And generally when it did, it was about how teachers were being fired for posting too much information or were receiving disciplinary action for an ill-advised status update. The prevailing thought was, “better safe than sorry.” Basically, we were advised to be very careful when mixing our professional and personal lives in our use of social media.

Such an approach seems to be quite common and is understandable to a certain extent. When dealing with children, it is especially important to be mindful of protecting their well-being in whatever ways you can. There is always the possibility that teachers will say something that is inappropriate or share too much information. But “being safe” shouldn’t mean missing out on a key opportunity to engage the community.

It makes sense to have a policy to discourage individual teachers from posting specifics about their students to their personal profiles. But schools should counterbalance such a policy by setting up a Facebook Page to represent the school. Students, families, and faculty members are going to use Facebook regardless of whether or not schools choose to do so. By setting up a Facebook Page, schools can establish a controlled, professional presence that allows them to capitalize on this social space in many important ways, while still protecting their students. It’s important to note that while a Facebook Page is an excellent opportunity for schools to supplement their web presence, it doesn’t fully replace the benefits of a robust website.

Here are some ways that schools can benefit from establishing an effective Facebook presence.

A Quick Note on Protecting Students

As we discuss the potential benefits of using Facebook, it’s important to frame the discussion with a warning about protecting our students. Before launching a Facebook Page, school leaders must ensure they’ve thought through the types of content they’re going to share with the world. Before sharing any information about any student (including pictures, videos, first names, work samples, etc.) school leaders must ensure they’ve obtained consent from the child’s guardian. Additionally, schools should avoid sharing last names of students as this can potentially jeopardize their safety (and in some cases is actually illegal). With a little forethought, Facebook can offer a variety of benefits without risking any safety to students or members of the school community.

Share School News

Facebook is an excellent opportunity for a school to connect with families and share information rapidly. If a school is consistent in keeping the information updated and accurate, students and families will likely come to rely on the Facebook Page as a resource to find information about what’s going on at the school. There are many different types of information that a school could choose to share on its Facebook Page.

Share What’s Happening





A Facebook Page is a great place to post noteworthy happenings around the school via a status update that posts on the Page’s wall. This is an easy way to keep families informed as to what’s going on during the school day. Additionally, it only takes moments to do (which in a school is always a good thing). If an event is particularly exciting, take some photos to share. For instance, Citizen Schools shared photos of a recent visit from Arianna Huffington and Tim Armstrong.

Share Upcoming Events

A Facebook Page is an excellent opportunity for a school to post upcoming events using the Facebook Events app. This app not only allows people to RSVP, but also makes it easy for them to share that they’re attending. Utilizing Facebook Events can potentially lead to increased attendance at school functions. A school can also update attendees about any change in plans and send out a reminder as the event approaches.

Make School Announcements

Facebook is a great space for schools to make announcements to parents and students. For instance, if there is an ever-coveted snow day, announce it on the Facebook Page. If a school shares the snow day on its Facebook Page, the news will be sent to the walls of everyone that has Liked the page. Consistency is the key here. If the page is consistently updated with school news, followers will develop an expectation that they can count on the Facebook Page when they want to learn about something concerning the school. I’d also bet that news like a snow day will get plenty of Likes, which will spread the news quickly across the community’s social graph.

Use Media to Showcase School Culture

Many schools pride themselves on creating a unique culture that promotes not only academics but also the social development of its students. Facebook provides an opportunity to showcase this unique culture with those who can’t be in the building during the school day.

Share Photos

Photos are an excellent way to showcase school culture. A school may choose to use photos to highlight a variety of aspects of the school, including:

  • Students exhibiting values the school encourages
  • Celebrations of student work
  • Field trips
  • Experiential learning activities
  • Assemblies or school-wide celebrations
  • Recognition of individual students for excellence

Share Videos

Videos can be an incredible way for a school to personalize its online presence and actually demonstrate what it is that makes it special. A school may add videos that showcase a lot of different things, including:

  • A variety of learning, including different subjects and age groups
  • Assemblies or school-wide events
  • Community meetings
  • High caliber teaching and student engagement
  • Students, teachers, and members of the community discussing what makes the school special
  • Share songs, chants, or cheers that are used as a part of school culture or academics
  • Sporting events
  • Plays, concerts and other performances

Use as a Recruitment Tool





Facebook has potential to help a school attract talented teachers and school leaders as well as raise the overall level of awareness surrounding the hard work it’s doing. By using Facebook, a school can add another layer to their recruitment efforts and help attract staff and, if applicable, attract students as well.

Using Facebook to Attract Staff

Facebook is a logical place for schools to focus some of their efforts when recruiting talented teachers and school leaders. For starters, the aforementioned use of media to share details of the school will provide potential staff members a glimpse inside of the school. I know if I was torn between applying to work in two schools, I would likely favor one that was providing me with photos and videos to complement their description of what they’re doing to support students. As long as a school actually has a strong culture and learning community, sharing it effectively can significantly bolster its recruiting efforts.

Additionally, Facebook is a great place for a school to post its job openings. Facebook makes it incredibly easy to share content, which means if I know someone who’s looking for a certain teaching position and come across such a position on a school’s page, I can easily send it his or her way. Current teachers can also share job openings with people in their network that may potentially be interested in applying.

If a school has an online system for accepting job applications, it should include the link on the Facebook Page. If a school doesn’t have such a system in place, it may want to consider using an application that integrates with Facebook. Here’s an example from TEAM Schools, a Network of KIPP Schools, which is using the Job Magic Facebook app to recruit and accept applications.

Using Facebook to Attract Students

For schools that also focus on recruitment of students or enrolling students in a selection lottery, Facebook can be an excellent resource. First of all, a school can share the aspects of the school that make it appealing through photos and videos. But it can also share key information about enrollment, including deadlines, links to an online application, and links to resources that may be useful for a family that is interested in enrolling a student. The fact that information is easily shared via Facebook again bodes well for a school interested in recruiting students.

The Power of Data

Many schools use their strong academic results as a key to their recruiting efforts. Facebook provides a great opportunity for a school to share their aggregated academic data with the world. Not only is it available to those interested in potentially becoming a part of the community, but is also accessible to students and families that are already in the school. These results are easy for students, teachers, and proud family members to Like and share with people in their Facebook network.

Get Feedback from the Community

Facebook allows a school to lower the barriers to participation for members of the community. By effectively leveraging Facebook, a school can make it easier for community members to get involved and share their opinions on a variety of fronts. While some schools may fear this increased participation, others will embrace it as it not only increases involvement, but can also lead to a healthy discourse about what’s happening at the school.

Use Facebook Discussions

One opportunity lies in the Discussions tab on the Facebook Page. A school can create a discussion about a specific topic and allow members of the community to share their thoughts within the thread. Admins will be able to moderate the thread and remove any posts that are inappropriate.

Use Polls

Polls provide a chance for a school to solicit feedback directly from its followers. The nice thing about using a poll is that a school can limit the choices available and, with a few simple clicks, blast it out to all of its followers. It’s a great way to quickly collect data that can help inform decision making.

Use Facebook Questions

An alternative to polls, Facebook Questions allow a school to solicit feedback from the community while being a little less restrictive. Questions provides the option for a school to allow users to write in answer choices as well as share the question with others in their network. However, it’s worth noting that Questions opens responses up to friends of friends, which may not necessarily provide the best sample if a school is trying to poll just members of its community. If only sampling those in the school isn’t a priority, Questions could be a good fit. For example, YES Prep Public Schools used Facebook Questions to help determine what mascot they should use for a new school they’re opening in the fall. As of the writing of this article, “Titans” is winning handily.

A Note on Settings and Privacy





Once a school has set up a Facebook Page, there are a few settings it may want to consider to ensure it’s easy to monitor. Please note that in order to do any of the following you must first be logged in and designated as an Admin of the Facebook Page.

Posting Ability

It’s a good idea to control the permissions regarding what content users are allowed to upload. To access permissions, do the following:

1. Click “Edit Page” in the upper-right of the Facebook Page
2. Select the “Manage Permissions” tab on the left side of the screen
3. Uncheck “Users can add photos”
4. Uncheck “Users can add videos”
5. Leave “Users can write or post content on the wall” checked
6. Click the blue “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page

It’s a good idea to start off by limiting these permissions. If a school ultimately decides it would like to expand the permissions it offers its followers, it’s easy to do so. It’s better to become more permissive than more restrictive.

Also, it’s worth noting that unlike with personal photos on Facebook, followers won’t be able to tag people in the photos that the school uploads to its Facebook Page. As discussed above in the privacy section, this is a good thing when children are involved for many reasons.

Profanity Blocklist

Facebook allows the Admins of a Page to enable an automatic screener for profanity. To enable this profanity blocklist, do the following:

1. Click “Edit Page” in the upper-right of the Facebook Page
2. Select the “Manage Permissions” tab on the left side of the screen
3. In the dropdown beside “Profanity Blocklist:” select “Strong”
4. Click the blue “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page

If there are specific words that a school would like to prohibit from being used, it can write them in the box beside “Moderation Blocklist” on the same page. If a user tries to use one of these prohibited words, it will automatically be marked as spam and won’t show up on the Facebook page.

Enable Email Notifications

To prevent page Admins from having to constantly be checking the Facebook page, it’s a good idea to enable Email Notifications. To do so, do the following:

1. Click “Edit Page” in the upper right of the Facebook Page
2. Select the “Your Settings” tab on the left side of the screen
3. Check the checkbox beside “Email Notifications”
4. Click the blue “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page

Now, whenever a user posts or comments on the Facebook Page, the Admin will receive an email letting them know that the interaction has occurred.

Make It Personal

The key to any school successfully leveraging Facebook is finding what fits the personality of the individual school. The above ideas are merely suggestions as a way to get started. The important thing is that each school makes their Facebook Page an extension of the amazing things they are doing every day in the classroom.

While Facebook is at times a bit daunting, when used effectively it can provide schools with an excellent opportunity to engage the communities they serve and act as a key component in a school’s online presence.

Is there a school in your community using Facebook to its full potential? Do you have any additional tips? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Perpustakaan Negara menaja 101 tiket keretapi bagi Baca@KTM ke Pesta Buku (PBAKL/KLIBF) pada hari Sabtu ini,

Saturday, April 23, 2011




Maklumat nie saya dapat daripada page
Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (PBAKL) 2010 | KLIBF KL Book Fair


BBBACA@LRT | Kepada pembaca di Ipoh yang mahu ke Pesta Buku pada hari Sabtu ini. Perpustakaan Negara menaja 101 tiket keretapi bagi Baca@KTM yang digerakkan oleh Tuan Sallehuddin Ibrahim pada 23 April 2011. Bagi menyertai Baca@ ini, hubungi beliau dengan mengklik namanya dan send mesej bertajuk Baca@KTM. Mohon hebahan informasi ini di blog dan FB. Terima kasih.

haa ape tunggu lagi, nak DAPATKAN TIKET KERETAPI untuk ke Pesta Buku nanti anda perlu :
Add page Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (PBAKL) 2010 | KLIBF KL Book Fair


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Adroid mini collectibles series at PC Fair 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

At last i got the my Adroid mini collectibles series at PC Fair 2011



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Bengkel Teknikal Load Balancer

Friday, April 15, 2011

Bagi menghadapi jumlah pelajar yang akan bertambah sehingga lebih 200,000 maka keperluan infostruktur-Application Delivery perlulah ditingkatkan maka satu Bengkel Teknikal Load Balancer telah diadakan di PSMB baru-baru ini 

Nak tahu apa dia Load Balancer tu lihat maklumat seterusnya:

Load balancing is a computer networking methodology to distribute workload across multiple computers or a computer cluster, network links, central processing units, disk drives, or other resources, to achieve optimal resource utilization, maximize throughput, minimize response time, and avoid overload. Using multiple components with load balancing, instead of a single component, may increase reliability through redundancy. The load balancing service is usually provided by dedicated software or hardware, such as a multilayer switch or aDomain Name System server.

Load Balancer Review 2010 



Know your traffic. Having a good idea of your current network traffic level will help you size the right model to fit your needs. If you don't have this information handy, check with the person in charge of paying your monthly bandwidth bill. Also consider your traffic growth pattern and buy a device that will not only meet your needs today, but for 12 to 24 months in to the future.

Try it out first. Even though the top brands all have similar features, they tend to do things slightly differently. Also this is a chance to see which management interface you and your staff prefer. Any decent load balancing vendor should be able to provide you with an evaluation unit quickly. This gives you a glimpse in to their future responsiveness.

Which features will you use? Deciding which features are important to your company will significantly cut down on your task of evaluating the product. Load Balancers today have a cornucopia of features. Don't fall in to the trap of kicking the tires on all the bells and whistles! Decide which features are must haves, which ones are nice to haves, and which ones you'll most likely never use. Prioritize your time accordingly. Otherwise, it can take six months or more to test a load balancing device. With proper prioritization, it shouldn't take more than two weeks to evaluate a load balancing device.
Cost. Cost. Cost. As we mentioned earlier, price per connection or price per megabit has been steadily decreasing. However, some vendors are willing to give you more connections per dollar. Make sure you compare apples to apples when making your buying decision. The industry standard metrics are:

-New layer 4 connections per second (the device can process)

-New layer 7 connections per second (the device can process)

-Layer 7 transactions or requests per second (applicable to HTTP traffic only)

-Maximum throughput (the device can handle)

-SSL Transactions Per Second (or TPS)

Be careful not to confuse layer 7 connections per second (or CPS) with transactions per second (or TPS). Specifically to HTTP, it is possible to pass multiple HTTP TPS or requests (RPS) over a single TCP connection. Some vendors use the term TPS and others use RPS to describe HTTP traffic. The most honest vendors are more inclined to disclose all five of the above metrics openly on their website. These devices aren't cheap, so in order to know what you're getting, insist on the above standard metrics.


The field of enterprise load balancing continues to change in 2009. Foundry was acquired by Brocade. Seattle based F5 Networks was one of the early players in this space. F5 today is not solely focused on load balancing. Through a myriad of acquisitions, they now offer SSL VPNs to file virtualization devices. Netscaler is but a tiny division inside Citrix. From what we've observed, the pace of R&D has slowed dramatically and dedicated Netscaler field engineers have been eliminated. As a result, both F5 and Citrix are defocused from load balancing. Both companies have been talking about releasing 64 Bit version of their O/S for some time to take advantage of the current 64 Bit processors. And yet the software has yet to materialize. Which brings us to the Silicon Valley based startup, A10 Networks. Since they appeared on the scene, they've been a very impressive force in the load balancing space. They've 'Wowed us' with their pace of new product releases, user friendly interface, and the first to release 64 Bit O/S besting the old incumbents in this space. Whichever vendor you choose to go with, make sure you do your homework. A good place to start is the vendor's website.





Load Balancer F5

A load balancer is a device that acts as a reverse proxy and distributes network or application traffic across a number of servers. Load balancers are used to increase capacity (concurrent users) and reliability of applications. They improve the overall performance of applications by decreasing the burden on servers associated with managing and maintaining application and network sessions, as well as by performing application-specific tasks.

Load balancers are generally grouped into two categories: Layer 4 and Layer 7. Layer 4 load balancers act upon data found in network and transport layer protocols (IP, TCP, FTP, UDP). Layer 7 load balancers distribute requests based upon data found in application layer protocols such as HTTP.

Requests are received by both types of load balancers and they are distributed to a particular server based on a configured algorithm. Some industry standard algorithms are:

  • Round robin
  • Weighted round robin
  • Least connections
  • Least response time

Layer 7 load balancers can further distribute requests based on application specific data such as HTTP headers, cookies, or data within the application message itself, such as the value of a specific parameter.

Load balancers ensure reliability and availability by monitoring the "health" of applications and only sending requests to servers and applications that can respond in a timely manner.

F5 products that can act as a Load Balancer:

F5 solutions involving a Load Balancer include:


Happy Load Balancing!


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