Lebih Daripada 90 Halaman Web Digodam semalam

Friday, June 17, 2011


Seperti sedia maklum, kumpulan pengodam yang dinamakan Anonymous telah pun mengatakan yang mana mereka akan godam laman kerajaan, Malaysia.gov.my pada pagi ini, sekitar 3 pagi kelak. Namun begitu, lebih awal daripada itu, ianya kelihatan beberapa laman kerajaan telah pun diserang oleh penyokong mereka.

Antara laman web yang telah digodam, termasuklah halaman web CIDB.gov.my, JBiotech.gov.my, UiTM Penang, TourMalaysia.com.my, KRU Studios, Parlimen.gov.my dan beberapa laman lagi. Laman Malaysia.gov.my juga kelihatan seperti tidak boleh diakses, dan seperti dibawa ke halaman Staging.Malaysia.gov.my. Buat masa ini, ianya kelihatan yang mana beberapa laman web telah digantikan halamannya, serta beberapa yang lain digodam menggunakan DDOS.

 Yes World menyediakan laporan awal pengodaman tersebut, dimana ianya dilihat lebih 20 disenaraikan samada digodam ataupun ditutup.


Hacker group Anonymous launched their attack on websites owned by Malaysia's government in an effort dubbed 'Operation Malaysia'. In a statement posted on several online portals such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, the vigilante group revealed the reasons behind the attack, saying that it was done to teach the country's administration a lesson for censoring whistle blower site WikiLeaks, as well as the recent blocking of file-sharing websites which they claim is in violation of human rights. Multiple websites were brought down in the attack, although reports on the number of those affected varied from once source to another.

Cyber-attack on local websites can last for days

Internet sites block not rights violation, says DPM

51 govt websites attacked, 41 disrupted

Malaysian govt websites hacked

General : 51 Government Websites Attacked

41 Malaysian government websites hacked

MCMC shrugs off Operation Malaysia, says ‘little impact’

Hackers attack Malaysian government websites

Government portal, NST site down; 27 others defaced

List of government websites that was attacked by hacker group Anonymous with the help of local hacking group in ‘Operation Malaysia’.

Malaysia Official Government Website
(DoS / Switched off - Up at 3:49am - Down at 4:06am - Up at 7:00am - Down at 3:31pm)

Other Malaysian wesites:

SabahTourism.com Hacked + leaked  
Jabatan Perdana Menteri Hacked / Redirected  
Tour Malaysia (Not Tourism Malaysia) Hacked  
Tourism Malaysia Unaffected  
UiTM Penang Hacked but back up 9:40am
JBiotech Hacked  
Social Welfare Department (Ezi2Care) Hacked  
Jabatan Perpaduan Negara (Intranet) Hacked  
CIMBbizchannel (CIMB owned) Hacked  
CIDB Hacked but back up 12:20am
Land Public Transport Commision  Hacked but back up 12:15am
1Malaysia DoS / Switched off 3:45am
Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission Unaffected  
ASEANConnect DoS / Switched off 8:00am
Malaysian Meteorological Service DoS / Switched off  
Ministry of Education DoS / Switched off 9:00am
Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya Malaysia DoS / Switched off 8:30am
Bomba  DoS / Switched off 8:30am
TMNet  Unaffected  
Kementerian Kerja Raya Malaysia DoS / Switched off 7:45am
Parlimen Malaysia DoS / Switched off 8:00am
Malaysian Treasury DoS / Switched off 8:00 am
University Kebangsaan Malaysia DoS / Switched off 7:00am
Jobs Malaysia DoS / Switched off 8:00am
Information, Communications and Culture DoS / Switched off 7:45am
Human Resouce Ministry DoS / Switched off 3:59am
National Sports Council DoS / Switched off 7:30am
Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) DoS / Switched off 8:00am





Lanjutan daripada pengodaman dan serangan siber pada malam semalam, Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia telah pun mengumumkan yang mana sebanyak 51 web .gov.my telah diserang. Selain daripada web .gov.my, ianya juga diketahui yang mana sebanyak 40 web tempatan yang lain telah diserang, menjadikan angka keseluruhan sebanyak 91 web.

SKMM telah pun mengeluarkan kenyataan rasmi mereka, dimana melaluinya, ianya diperkatakan yang serangan bermula sekitar pukul 11.30 malam, dan beberapa halaman web gov.my telah diserang pada pelbagai tahap.

Walaubagaimanapun, menurut mereka, semua halaman web yang diserang telah dikembalikan seperti sediakala, dan melalui pemerhatian SKMM, serangan mula berkurangan pada 4.00 pagi. Ianya juga diperkatakan yang mana impak serangan halaman web tersebut pada para pengguna tempatan adalah amat minima.

Menurut SKMM lagi, sebanyak 76 web telah pun beroperasi seperti asal kembali, dan selebihnya dalam proses pengembalian. Walaubagaimanapun, ianya tidak begitu menjejaskan sebarang perkhidmatan secara keseluruhannya, dan dapat beroperasi secara lancar sepanjang hari ini.

Salah satu laman komuniti tempatan yang turut diserang adalah GengBlogger. Untuk mengatasi sebarang perkara yang tidak diingini, ianya diminta anda membuat salinan pangkalan data dan fail-fail penting sebagai langkah keselamatan, selain memastikan laman yang anda layari adalah sah, dan bukannya laman phishing dan sebagainya.

Pada masa yang sama, SKMM meminta para pengguna yang mempunyai sebarang informasi berkaitan untuk melaporkan kepada pihak yang berkenaan.

Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission issues statement on #OpMalaysia



Cyberjaya – Regarding the threat by unknown hackers to attack websites with the .gov.my domain, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) confirms that there were indeed attempts to hack several websites, including www.skmm.gov.my.  The attempt to hack MCMC’s website was not successful.

These attacks started at approximately 11.30pm, on 15 June 2011. We are able to confirm that 51 .gov.my websites were attacked and there has been disruption at various levels to at least 41 of those websites.  However, we do not expect the overall recovery to these websites to take long as most websites have already recovered from the attack.

Our monitoring of the situation showed that there was a reduced level of attacks by 4.00am this morning and upon further evaluation, so far we gauge that there has been little impact on Malaysian users as a result of this attack.

MCMC’s Network Security Center has been making concerted efforts to mitigate the attacks around the clock and will continue to work with other enforcement agencies and security experts as well service providers to monitor the situation.

The public is advised to report any information they may have regarding the identity of these hackers as the act to disrupt network services is a serious offence, which is punishable by law.”


Cyberjaya – Further to the statement that was made by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) this morning on the issue of the hacking of Government websites by unknown hackers, MCMC is able to confirm that most of the attacks were Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks which made it difficult for Internet users to access the websites.

In total, MCMC’s Network Security Centre detected service outages to 91 websites, 51 of which are Government-related websites. Out of the 91 websites, 76 have been recovered, so far with work continuing to achieve speedy recovery as soon as possible.  Typically, if a website has been hacked, website administrators would have to evaluate the damage caused by the attack and then proceed to restore access to the website. In most cases, strengthening of the security measures will also be part of the process. 

As of 4.00pm this afternoon, most Government-related websites are accessible to the public and have either not been affected by the service outages or have recovered from the attacks.

The MCMC would like to advise the public to exercise due caution as they would whenever making a transaction over the Internet.





Posted via email from faizar's posterous


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