INOVASI : Building blocks that blink, beep and teach

Sunday, May 27, 2012

If Schools Kill Creativity, Can Toys Bring It Back to Life?

Legos adalah salah satu mainan yang paling popular sepanjang masa. Menurut Fellow TED, Ayah Bdeir , yang menyampaikan ucapan pada sidang terkenal di Long Beach, California bulan Mac 2012 yang lalu, terdapat lebih daripada 400 bilion blok kecil di dunia, atau 75 untuk tiap-tiap orang yang di bumi. Menunjukkan kehebatan Legos bahawa mereka tidak mainan tunggal, tetapi satu platform bagi mewujudkan dengan kemungkinan yang hampir tidak berkesudahan, menjadikan mereka salah satu alat pengajaran yang terbaik yang pernah.

Dalam dunia pendidikan yang taksub dengan piawaian kurikulum dan kepentingan ujian tinggi, pelajar disalurkan ke trek tertentu, bukannya dibenarkan untuk memilih pengembaraan mereka sendiri dan meneroka nafsu mereka (satu fenomena bahawa pakar pendidikan, Sir Ken Robinson berkata, adalah membunuh kreativiti) Tetapi jika model pendidikan kontemporari tidak menggalakkan perasaan ingin tahu dan kreativiti kanak-kanak ', satu generasi baru syarikat mencari jalan untuk mencontohi Lego dan menggalakkan mereka ciri-ciri menerusi permainan.

LittleBits, Bdeir syarikat yang ditubuhkan, mengeluarkan jenis Lego generasi akan datang yang mengintegrasikan litar elektrik untuk memberi kanak-kanak keupayaan untuk menggabungkan cahaya dan bunyi ke dalam ciptaan mereka. Dalam masa beberapa bulan pertama mereka di tempat kejadian mainan, kit telah menerima sambutan yg membayangkan kegembiraan hati, memenangi Anugerah STEMmy dan yang dinamakan "Best Toy Fair 2012" dan "High-Tech Terbaik Maker Toy."

LittleBits bukan hanya platform kreativiti  baru yang diwujudkan oleh Felow TED. Beberapa tahun yang lalu, Bre Pettis dan kawan-kawannya mahu mencuba dengan percetakan 3D, yang mengambil fail digital dan menggunakan polimer untuk mencipta objek tiga dimensi, tetapi tidak terdapat sebarang peranti berpatutan di pasaran pada masa itu. Mereka memutuskan untuk bekerja bersama-sama, akhirnya  memutuskan untuk menjadikan produk menjadi sebuah syarikat, MakerBot. Sejak itu, syarikat itu telah menimbulkan berjuta-juta dolar dalam modal teroka dan ditanam komuniti pembuat yang berkongsi idea dan rancangan bagi projek-projek 3D.

Seperti Legos, littleBits dan pendua MakerBot yang boleh menjadi kreatif pendidikan, tetapi berasaskan permainan. Bermain adalah tentang penglibatan aktif dan eksperimentasi dengan dunia dalam keadaan di mana terdapat tiada jelas "betul" atau "salah," tetapi satu set kemungkinan. Ia adalah satu proses pembelajaran dengan melakukan (DIY), ia bukan didorong oleh hasil luaran, tetapi sisebabkan naluri peribadi, keghairahan, dan penetapan matlamat.

Ia bukan sahaja kanak-kanak yang memerlukan jenis permainan ini  dimana mereka cenderung untuk melakukannya tanpa diberitahu. Orang dewasa juga  mendiami sebuah dunia di mana "kejayaan" cenderung untuk mempunyai sedikit kaitan dengan eksperimentasi kreatif. Ini infrastruktur baru permainan bukan hanya himpunan permulaan "startups" menarik, tetapi sebuah gerakan yang luas keusahawanan yang mempunyai potensi untuk memulihkan kreativiti yang sudah hilang di sekolah terlalu banyak.

Bayangkan satu set elektronik yang mudah untuk bermain dengan sebagai LEGOS. Felo Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED)  Ayah Bdeir memperkenalkan littleBits, satu set blok, mudah ditukar ganti yang membuat pengaturcaraan sebagai bahagian yang mudah dan penting kreativiti sebagai mengetapkannya blok bersama-sama.

TEDTalks adalah video podcast harian ceramah dan persembahan terbaik dari Persidangan Technology, Entertainment, Design - TED, di mana pemikir terkemuka di dunia memberikan ceramah kehidupan mereka dalam 18 minit.

TED berdiri untuk Technology, Entertainment, Design (Teknologi, Hiburan, Rekabentuk,) dan TEDTalks meliputi topik-topik ini serta sains, perniagaan, pembangunan dan seni.

About TED

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PIKOM ICT Mall Cap Square -New ICT mall for Kuala Lumpur

Friday, May 25, 2012


THE National ICT Association of Malaysia (Pikom) will be launching its first ever Pikom ICT Mall at CapSquare Kuala Lumpur on May 27.

Bandar Raya Developments Berhad (BRBD) group retail operations head John Sironic said, “This is the only ICT mall which has a theatre.

“We also have our own parking lot which can hold up to 2,000 cars.”

The CapSquare mall was opened in November 2007. However, due to its lack of success, BRBD joined forces with Pikom to create what is now known as the Pikom ICT Mall CapSquare, which has been renovated since October last year.

The mall has 102 kiosks taken up by a variety of companies.

Among them are Canon, iStudy by Apple, Lenovo’s concept and flagship store and telcos Digi and Maxis. The i-Xperience, the first-ever concept store for Imation, TDK and Memorex Worldwide is also located in the mall.

Tech stores aside, the mall will also have food and beverage outlets such as Starbucks, Modesto’s and Subway, as well as a gym and a supermarket.

“Pikom ICT Mall will be selling only certified original products with guaranteed after-sales service. Though this is a premium mall, there will be special offers to ensure that customers get value-for-money products,” Sironic said.

Spanking new: Pikom secretary chairman C.S. Chin (left) and Sironic (right) in front of the new Pikom ICT Mall at CapSquare, Kuala lumpur

Various activities have been lined up for the grand launch. Top on the list is the screening of sci-fi movies such as Avatar, Trans-formers, Star Wars and Real Steel at the outdoor theatre from 8pm onwards, on May 25 and 26.

To pull the crowd further, BRDB has arranged for local celebrity Joey G to play host and performers like Anuar Zain, ManHanD, Instant Cafe Theatre and Upin & Ipin to entertain the guests.

Sci-fi characters like Darth Vader, Tron and Stormtroopers will also make an appearance.

The first 50 customers will receive iStudy’s RM1 deals on accessories. Additionally, the first 100 customers will be given Sennheiser earphones and a goody bag. Visitors can expect a variety of offers and promotions at the complex.

There will be a contest and lucky draw too for Facebook fans and shoppers that purchase products worth RM100 cumulatively or in a single receipt between now and May 27.

Some of the prizes include the iPad 3, an Alienware laptio, Macbook Air and more.

The mall is open daily between 10.30am and 9.30pm (theatre excluded). For details, visit




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Bengkel Kemahiran Sumber Elektronik Perpustakaan 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

Bahagian Jurnal dan Pangkalan Data akan menganjurkan Bengkel Kemahiran Sumber Elektronik Perpustakaan 2012 di Perpustakaan UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang (selaku tuan rumah) pada 22-23 Mei 2012 (Selasa-Rabu). 

Undangan peserta adalah dari gred S17 hingga gred S44 dari Perpustakaan UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Perak dan Perlis (Zon Utara).

Pegawai PTAR yang terlibat di dalam penganjuran bengkel ini adalah :

1. Puan Noormala Maarof

2. Puan Nurul Diana Jasni

3. Encik Ahmad Faizar Jaafar 

4. Encik Shahrol Nizam Johol


1. Memberi latihan secara teori dan praktikal kepada Pustakawan UiTM supaya mereka dapat membimbing pengguna mencari maklumat dengan cara yang lebih berkesan. 

2. Mempelajari bagaimana pangkalan data elektronik dapat membantu pelanggan perpustakaan dalam pembelajaran, pengajaran dan penyelidikan mereka. 

3. Memahami kaedah dan strategi pencarian maklumat yang cekap dan berkesan.



Memantapkan kemahiran maklumat Pustakawan dan Pembantu Perpustakaan melalui penggunaan pelbagai pangkalan data serta sumber elektronik perpustakaan. 


a. Menambah keyakinan diri Pustakawan dan Pembantu Perpustakaan apabila berdepan dengan pengguna yang memerlukan tunjuk ajar dan khidmat nasihat rujukan. 

b. Menyumbang kepada pertambahan penggunaan perkhidmatansumber elektronik di kalangan pelajar, pensyarah dan penyelidik UiTM 



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ITEX 2012- 23rd International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition

GoMobile – The Ultimate Mobile Lifestyle Event

Thursday, May 10, 2012

GoMobile 2012: Mobile 3.0 – A World Going Mobile!


GoMobile Conference


Venue – The Royale Chulan‎,
Jalan Conlay, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Time 9am – 5pm
Location Map CLICK HERE


See programme here



This years Conference brings together a stellar list of international mobile experts, leading local mobile luminaries.


Capacity building, Connecting Biz-to-Developers
YBhg. Datuk Mohd Badlisham Ghazali
Chief Executive Officer Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC)

The Promise of Next Generation Mobile Networks
Too Tian Jen
CTO U Mobile

Trends & Technologies Driving the Mobile Revolution:
M2M, Augmented reality, NFC, Voice Assistance, Video, other trends, Clouds

Moderator: Kashminder Singh
Managing Editor of Mobile World Magazine

Jari Tammisto
CEO Mobile Monday Global
Kamil Othman
VP & Director Creative Multimedia Division, Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC)
Sebastian Barros

How will smartphones, tablets, ultrabooks affect commerce

Moderator: Premesh Chandran
Co-Founder, Malaysiakini

Andy Zain
Director of Jakarta Founder Institute
Lai Shu Wei
Head of Device Management, Maxis
Mike Bikesh
CEO, Itrain

Marketing to the Mobile Generation: Mobile advertising & social media

Moderator: Rani Wemel
Co-Founder LTT Global, CommTechAsia, Mobile Industry Group (MOBIG) and Asia Pacific Mobile Learning & Edutainment Advisory Panel (APACMLEAP)

Michael Lai
Chief Executive Officer of Packet One Networks (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (“P1”)
Jason Lo
CEO of Tune Talk
Nguyen Xuan Tai
CEO Mobile Portal, Vietnam

Publishing Is Going Digital And Mobile | Strategies To Leverage This New Scenario

Moderator: Kashminder Singh
Managing Editor of Mobile World Magazine

Anan Saminathen,
Head of Digital Media, iPixel Labs
Chu Tzu Ming
New Media School, MalaysiaKini
El Hadj Azahari
Chief Operating Officer, idottv sdn bhd
Lars Ikoshi
Publisher, Wireless Watch Japan

Coping with threats & challenges

Moderator: Sani Alwi
Head, Mobile & Applications Sector, Multimedia Development Corporation

Jerome Chan
General Manager at Avira Asia Pacific
Anwer Yusoff,
Head at CyberSecurity Malaysia
Nigel Tan
Jimmy Low
Kaspersky Lab

Moderator: Karamjit Singh
Co-Founder, Digital News Asia
Nasruna Rahmat
Tomato Animation Sdn. Bhd
Dinesh Lal Kumar
Maxis Communications Berhad
Pamela Yap
Advisor at Dentsu Digital Division

Moderator: Karamjit Singh
Co-Founder, Digital News Asia

Wemel Cumavoo
Co-Founder LTT Global & Asia Pacific Mobile Learning Advisory Panel
Dr. Madanmohan Rao
Director of Research at Mobile Monday Global
Kashminder Singh
Managing Editor, Mobile World

The Digital Lifestyle Malaysia vision
Y. Bhg Dato’ Mohamed Sharil b. Mohamed Tarmizi
Chairman, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (SKMM)



GoMobile Awards 2012

Date – 10 May 2012
Venue – The Pool @ 347, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur
Time – 8pm
Location Map – CLICK HERE

The mobile industry celebrates its successes at a high octane event. The exciting night will bring together the key players of this exciting industry for an evening of recognition and achievements.

Started in 2008 The GoMobile Awards Night is an evening of entertainment for the Malaysian Mobile Industry as well as the platform for recognition of outstanding achievements, contributions and innovations. It is a celebration of the Malaysian Mobile Industry attended by the movers and shakers of the industry. It also offers organisations across the global mobile eco-system the opportunity to showcase the latest mobile products, services, applications and initiatives to the world. The Awards are open to all eligible mobile companies and supporters of the mobile eco-system.

The 4th GoMobile Awards Night takes place during GoMobile, the region’s Ultimate Mobile Lifestyle Event held annually in Kuala Lumpur .Prestigious awards will be presented in various categories ranging from mobile devices to services and contents.

For this year, the main segments of GoMobile Awards up for nominations and selections are:

* inOvation Malaysia Awards 2012
- Honours and recognizes innovative and outstanding achievements in the mobile industry.

* GoMobile Operators Awards 2012
– Given to operators with the best services

* Mobile World Star Awards 2012
- Best mobile devices

* APAC MLearning Recognitions 2012
– Recognises institutions and organisations that have taken initiatives to promote mobile learning



GoMobile Expo

Date – 11 to 13 May 2012
Venue – @ The KL Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur


GoMobile Expo 2012 will be exciting and fresh.

Cut through the confusion and see first hand how mobile will improve your lives today and tomorrow

GoMobile Expo will be a consumer event where mobile brands, telcos, service providers, content creators and just about anybody else in the mobile industry will converge.

GoMobile AppCity will place apps and services at centre stage!

Mark the dates and be sure to come and experience the ultimate mobile lifestyle event. Keep updated on the latest GoMobile happenings and news at our Facebook page ->


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Career and Industrial Relation Expo (CaIREx) 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Makluman kepada semua pelajar tahun akhir yang berminat:


Kerja-Jawatan Kosong Terkini 2012
Program Career Industrial Relation Expo (CaIRex) anjuran Pusat Kerjaya dan Kaunseling, UiTM akan berlangsung seperti berikut: 

Tarikh: 8- 10 Mei 2012 (Selasa - Khamis)
Masa: 8 pagi - 1 petang
pat: Dewan Sri Budiman & Anjung Sri Budiman, UiTM Shah Alam

Tips 1 On Attending Career Fair

Tips 2 On Attending Career Fair

what shall u bring for a job interview.jpg

dress code for job interview male.jpg

dress code for job interview female.jpg

For list of Interview Companies

For list of Exhibition Companies

Ujibakat Penyampai Berita Media Prima Berhad

Job Vacancies in Capital Dynamics

For interview please Pre-Register at

To Employers who wish to participate please download this entry form.

Sebarang maklumat lanjut sila ke link berikut:

or contact  Secretariat at 03-55443211/2393 or 03-55211481

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Pertandingan Fotografi RISDA-UiTM 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Satu majlis Persamian Penutup & Penyampaian hadiah Pertandingan Fotografi RISDA-UiTM 2012 telah diadakan di  Galeri Seni Tuanku Nur Zahirah, UiTM pada 2 Mei 2012 jam 2.30 ptg



Pertandingan telah diadakan dengan Tema : “Baja Cukup Hasil Melonjak”

Anjuran : RISDA dan Universiti Teknologi MARA

Semua penyertaan telah dihantar  sebelum atau pada jam 5.00 petang, 20 April 2012 (Jumaat)

Urusetia Pertandingan Fotografi
Jabatan Komunikasi Korporat
Aras 2, Canseleri Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam

Tel :03-55442102 
En. Darus Kasim – (03-55442043) 
En. Roslan Daud – (03-55442039)  
En. Shamsul Hidayat Omar – (03-55443187)


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