New list of Open Access Journals in UiTM Library website

Thursday, August 30, 2012

EconBiz search integration to UiTM Library website


EconBiz Open

EconBiz Open finds open access material in business and economics.

EconBizOpen offers free content. It is the open access portal of EconBiz and contains about 1 million free online full texts for economics, business studies and related fields in social sciences. It includes data from RePEc and other huge databases.

EconBiz is a joint project of the:
German National Library of Economics (ZBW) and the University and City Library of Cologne (USB Köln).

EconBiz - Free Search Engine for Economics and Business Studies with new Features and new Design

EconBiz Open comprises:

Find more information on the use of EconBiz Open in

Prezi introduction (web)

PowerPoint | PDF introduction (short)

PowerPoint | PDF introduction (long)

The EconBiz news section and the EconBiz newsletter keep you up-to-date on these and other new developments.

Legal Notice


EconBiz Open cooperate with UiTM - Universiti Teknologi MARA in Malaysia and other international partners.

EconBiz: search integration

+ direct integration to UiTM website (using iframe)
+ no programming and maintenance work by UiTM
+ automatic adaptation of changes

EconBiz search iframe to integrate EconBiz search to website

EconBiz Open Logo


Save your personal Bookmark Lists - Register for EconBiz

Create a free personal EconBiz account!



This allows you to create permanent bookmark lists and save the search history in EconBiz.

Register ...


EconBiz Mobile:The app for economics
Now for iPad, iPhone and Android

Download the free EconBiz Android app from the Android Market. In addition to the apps for iPad and iPhone we now also offer an app for Android phones.


The EconBiz news section and the EconBiz newsletter keep you up-to-date on these and other new developments.

Posted via email from faizar's posterous


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