Earth Hour 2012

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Earth hour 2012

Date : 31 March 2012 (Saturday)
Time : 8.30pm

Earth Hour 2012
 akan berlangsung pada malam ini 31 Mac 2011, Jam 8.30mlm-9.30mlm.
Adakah semua bersedia?


Need some practise turning out the lights? Head to Facebook to flick the switch, and give your friends some practise too when you share this cool app.

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Evaluating e-Book Offerings

Friday, March 30, 2012

There’s no question that the role e-books and e-readers in libraries is increasing rapidly. For this issue of Library Technology Reports, Sue Polanka has compiled an expert-authored series of articles that provide librarians with strategies, best practices and case studies for meeting the unprecendented legal, technological, and vendor challeges that come with e-book purchasing.




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Program Pembangunan Modal Insan (PMI) PTAR 2012 :Tazkirah Bulan Mac 2012 - Ilmu & Amal

Program Pembangunan Modal Insan (PMI) PTAR 2012
Tazkirah Mac 2012 Tarikh : 30 Mac2012
Masa : 8.30 - 9.30 pagi
Tempat: Bilik Seminar , PTAR 1
Tajuk : Ilmu & Amal
Penceramah : Ustazah Hajah Wan Razifah Wan Ahmad!/Tazkirah_PTAR

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Youtube Malaysia Dilancarkan / Google Launched YouTube Malaysia

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Pada tahun lepas Google telah pun melancarkan YouTube Filipina dan juga YouTube  Singapura , dan ia membolehkan para pengguna tempatan yang menghasilkan kandungan berbentuk video atau video blog, untuk menggunakan platform daripada Google itu, dengan beberapa fungsi dan sokongan tambahan. Dan kini kelihatan YouTube Malaysia turut sama dilancarkan. Now we can access YouTube Malaysia URL at

Youtube Malaysia telahpun dilancarkan secara rasminya di The Zebra Square, Kuala Lumpur pada Rabu lalu. Domain kini sudah pun kelihatan aktif, dan membawa kepada laman utama YouTube Malaysia, mempunyai domain tempatan & sudah mula menyokong Bahasa Malaysia dan berbeza dengan sebelum ini.  Secara rasminya laman YouTube yang antara paling kerap dilawati bertapak lebih kukuh di Malaysia.

Youtube sebelum ini sudah boleh diakses oleh pengguna di Malaysia tanpa sebarang masalah, tetapi dengan pengenalan laman khas untuk rakyat Malaysia membolehkan mereka menonton video yang lebih relevan dengan pengguna tempatan.

Perkara ini semestinya bakal menjadi salah satu pemangkin kepada pembangunan kandungan berbentuk video di Malaysia kelak. Ia bakal menawarkan pencarian dan penemuan kandungan tempatan dengan lebih mudah, disamping membawakan YouTube Partners kepada para pengguna dan mereka yang menghasilkan kandungan video di Malaysia.


Ini sebenarnya sesuatu yang baik untuk industri hiburan secara keseluruhan kerana kini secara rasmi Youtube merupakan salah satu media untuk penyebaran kandungan digital hasil karya dan ciptaan anak tempatan.

Bersama-sama dengan pelancarannya, beberapa syarikat media tempatan, seperti Astro Malaysia dan KRU Studios turut sama telah bekerjasama dalam membawakan kandungan mereka melalui YouTube, manakala dari segi pengiklan tempatan pula, YouTube telah pun mendapat beberapa nama besar, termasuk MAS, Maxis, dan sebagainya

Youtube juga telah menandatangani sebuah perjanjian dengan Music Author’s Copyright Protection (MACP) untuk membolehkan pemuzik & artis di Malaysia menjana pendapatan melalui perkongsian hasil iklan di Youtube. 

Semoga kemudahan yang kita peroleh ini akan dapat digunakan untuk kebaikan sebaik mungkin. Zaman dah berubah dan Youtube adalah salah satu medium alternatif  terpenting untuk menyebarkan maklumat dalam bentuk video, maka gunkan dan manaafatkanlan ia sebaiknya.




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Bengkel Pemurnian Fungsi Jabatan

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Hari ini menghadiri Bengkel Pemurnian Fungsi Jabatan
Tarikh : 27-28 Mac 2012 (Selasa-Rabu)
Masa : 8.00 pagi - 5.00 petang
Tempat : Bilik Seminar, PTAR 1

1. Memantapkan Jabatan dan Bahagian dari segi struktur dan peranan dalam penstrukturan baru PTAR.
2. Menyemak dan mengemaskini skop dan senarai tugas staf di Jabatan dan Bahagian.
3. Memuktamadkan Carta Organisasi, Carta Fungsi, dan senarai tugas bagi penyediaan dan mengemaskini Fail Meja yang lebih lengkap dan teratur.
4. Persediaan rapi bagi menghadapi Audit Perjawatan UiTM.
5. Pengumpulan Carta Organisasi, Carta Fungsi dan senarai-senarai tugas terkini oleh Pejabat Ketua

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e-book vs print book

  They feel so retro


For Reading and Learning, Kids Prefer E-Books to Print Books

Given the choice between reading e-books or print books, children prefer e-books, a new, exploratory field study shows. Children who read e-books also retain and comprehend just as much as when they read print books, the study also suggests.

A new “QuickStudy” – so named for its short duration and the small size of its sample group – from the Joan Ganz Cooney Center observed 24 families with children ranging in age from three-to-six reading both print and e-books in the Summer and Fall of 2011. Most of the children in the study preferred reading an e-book to a print book and comprehension between the two formats were the same.

“If we can encourage kids to engage in books through an iPad, that’s a win already,” said Carly Shuler, senior consultant for industry studies at the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop is a New York based non-profit organization dedicated to understanding how children learn through digital media.

Enhanced e-books – those that have more bells and whistles than e-books, like interactive features and games – were also compared in the study with their regular e-book counterparts. Children recalled fewer of the details of the content of enhanced e-books versus the same e-book.

“Kids were more focused on tapping things and that took away from their comprehension as well as the interaction between the parent and the child,” said Shuler.

The findings from the study are preliminary and the Joan Ganz Cooney center will be conducting larger, more rigorous studies of the issue. Two more QuickStudies are currently being conducted around the questions of why parents and children select certain e-books over others and how parents and children read e-books together.

Until now, aside from outcries by hysterical parents and media, there has been no real study of whether reading to children with e-books is better or worse for them in terms of developmental or educational value than reading to them with print books.

“As far as I’m aware, at this juncture, there hasn’t been substantive research done on this,” said Nicole Deming, a spokesperson for the Children’s Book Council, a New York-based industry association for children’s book publishers.

Despite the lack of research, “many” parents have their reservations about reading to their children on an iPad or other device before bed, according to a recent report in the New York Times.

Researchers are hesitant to make such judgments.

“I don’t think we’re ready to say ‘picture books in their print form are better and will always be better,’” said Junko Yokota, a professor and director of the Center for Teaching Through Children’s Books at National Louis University in Chicago, who claims she was misrepresented in the above-referenced New York Times article as supporting the idea that e-books are bad for children.

Regardless, both publishers and parents are diving head first into e-books and book applications for children.

Related: Are Children’s E-Books Really Terrible for Your Children? | How to Build a Best-Selling Children’s Book App

For more on the state of children’s publishing, attend the Digital Book World Children’s Publishing Goes Digital Conference on January 23, 2012 in New York City.


Children’s E-book Growth

About 7.4% of children’s books sold in the first three quarters of 2011 were digital (excluding young adult titles), according to Bowker, a company that tracks the book industry. That compares with 13.5% across all book publishing segments over the same period.

Adoption of digital has been slower for children’s books than it has for other kinds of books in part because of a technology lag, according to Kelly Gallagher, vice president of publishing services at Bowker, who is currently working on a report about the children’s book publishing industry.

“The growth rate appears to be slower and it flattened out a bit this year,” said Gallagher. “That is related to the technology not being as capable to fully give the book-like experience for a children’s product, as opposed to the flat narrative of adult trade fiction.”

Still, Gallagher predicts that share of digital units in children’s book publishing could double in 2012 to as much as 15%. This holiday season will see homes acquire second or even third tablets and children will have sole use of first generation iPads handed down by parents who upgrade to an iPad 2 or other, newer tablet, further driving growth.

There are about 50 million tablets in circulation worldwide, according to a recent report by IHS iSuppli, an El Segundo, Calif.-based technology research unit of global research firm IHS. There will be over 150 million in circulation by the end of 2012.


Seizing the Opportunity

A mix of “traditional” players and start-ups have been producing, selling and marketing children’s book apps.

While children’s publishing powerhouses like Scholastic Inc. and Sesame Workshop have robust digitization and app-development efforts, upstarts have come to market with children’s book apps, too. Encinitas, Calif.-based Oceanhouse Media produces, markets and sells Dr. Seuss and Berenstain Bears children’s book apps, for instance.

“Three years ago there was not much of anything,” said Michel Kripalani, president of Oceanhouse. “The app market was just getting rolling.”

Today, there are dozens of small companies like Kripalani’s as well as hundreds of “mom and pop” shops, single developers that produce a one-off app product. And it’s all because of Apple.

“You can build a product and submit it to Apple and ten days later – after approval [Apple will not sell an app in its store if it does not meet certain technical requirements] – you’re available for sale,” said Kripalani. “All of a sudden, they’ve created this environment that anyone who is able to gather the technical and marketing skills is able to build a publishing house.”

National Geographic, the Washington, D.C.-based nature magazine company, publishes magazines and books targeted at children. National Geographic has published two children’s apps, including the iTunes store hit, Weird But True, an app based on the print book series of the same name.

Scholastic has published 14 apps, including Magic Schoolbus Oceans, an extension of the Magic Schoolbus franchise.

“It’s been a very good business for us – and profitable,” said Deborah Forte, executive vice president of Scholastic and president of Scholastic Media, the division within the company that produces apps.

Sesame Workshop currently has 160 e-books and 25 apps and “is in the business [of electronic publishing] to stay,” said Jennifer Perry, vice president of worldwide publishing for Sesame Workshop.


An Industry Hungry for Research

Beyond knowing what is good or bad for children – information that the children’s book industry has largely benefited from – industry players badly want to know how kids interact with their electronic products: whether they like them and if they understand the interactive conceits that adults take for granted on touch-screen devices, like swiping and double-taps.

Sesame Workshop, which shares workspace and a common founder with the Joan Ganz Cooney center, is conducting its own research.

“What we look at when we test right now is usability,” said Mindy Brooks, assistant director of research for Sesame Workshop. “How do kids and parents use the device? What kind of UI design is most intuitive to a majority of users? Does the child understand how to use the apps features?”

Oceanhouse, a much smaller organization than Sesame with only seven full-time employees currently, is so interested in this kind of information that it has hired its own research contractor.

“The goal of the research is to inform the development of future apps and potential updates to apps on the market,” said the Oceanhouse research consultant, Liz Griffiths, who has a master’s degree in developmental psychology from the Teachers College at Columbia University.

One early finding of Griffiths’s research is that children often accidentally skip pages when reading apps. As a result, Oceanhouse is looking into ways of ensuring children read the whole story in a book app.

This one finding is just the tip of the potential iceberg of learning to be done – and the industry is hungry for such knowledge.

“We want to see learning studies done and see a cross comparison about different apps and e-books,” said Sesame’s Perry, who added that it’s no easy task due to the array of possible formats and devices.


When E-Books Don’t Matter

Some children and parents don’t have to wrestle with the question of how much iPad time is too much iPad time.

Reading to Kids is a Los Angeles-based non-profit organization that gives away 700 to 1,200 books a month to local disadvantaged children. For Reading to Kids, e-books are out of the question.

“For the population we serve, e-books are not something we deal with every day,” said Karen Kiss, managing director of Reading to Kids. “The idea of giving 700 to 1,200 kids a Kindle would be fantastic, but that would be beyond our economic reach.”

Reading Is Fundamental, a national non-profit based in Washington, D.C. dedicated to promoting reading and literacy among disadvantaged children, had plans to experiment with supplying those they serve with e-readers, but federal funding cuts put those plans on hold.

Beyond expanding the reach of books to new audiences now growing up in an increasingly digital world, the organization hoped to head off what it sees as a gap between children who grow up with the latest learning tools and reap commensurate advantages later in life, and those who do not.

“I’m very concerned that there’s going to be another digital divide,” said Carol Rasco, president and CEO of Reading is Fundamental. “I fear that many of our children in low-income areas aren’t going to have as much access to the readers themselves or tools needed to read the digital books. It’s something that is really moving along and we’re going to leave some of those children behind. They won’t have the skills needed when schools, all of a sudden, go to e-readers for their text-books, perhaps.”


When E-Books Matter the Most

For some child-parent relationships, an e-book can provide infinitely more value than a printed book.

Parents away from their children are unable to read to them in any conventional sense. That’s where A Story Before Bed comes in. The start-up helps parents record themselves reading an e-book so that their children can enjoy that experience when the parent is not around.

“What’s great about children’s books is that unlike any other book they were meant to be read together,” said Hillel Cooperman, co-founder of A Story Before Bed. “The question as whether you should read to your kids on a different medium is a stupid question. Reading to your kids is good, period.”

While his product is only useful in the world of e-books, his sentiment was echoed by nearly every expert, observer and researcher we spoke with for this piece: It’s good to read to your children, regardless of format.

At Sesame and Scholastic, part of the mission is to encourage reading, and devices that get kids excited about books are welcome, regardless if their paper and binding or full-color touch-screen.

“One of the things we’re about at RIF,” said Rasco from Reading Is Fundamental, “is what do we do to push a kid’s button to get them turned on to reading? There is nothing to indicate right now that I’m sending poison into a child because I’m suggesting they use an e-reader.”

Further, Rasco is the parent of a 38-year-old with disabilities and says, as have many other parents with children with disabilities in multiple media reports, that e-books and apps have helped them interact with their children.

It’s still the very early days of e-books, enhanced e-books and book apps for children. The iPad, which came out in January 2010, and other e-readers and tablets that make children’s books a more attractive play for publishers, have been around for such a short period of time that deep, academic study of their efficacy as educational tools has yet to be done.

What researchers, observers and industry players all seem to agree upon for now is that getting kids interested in reading is a worthy cause, regardless of the format.

Write to Jeremy Greenfield

For more on the state of children’s publishing, attend the Digital Book World Children’s Publishing Goes Digital Conference on January 23, 2012 in New York City.



via By Jeremy Greenfield, Editorial Director, Digital Book World, @JDGsaid 

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"A house that has a library in it has a soul" -Plato

Monday, March 26, 2012

"A house that has a library in it has a soul" -Plato

"A house without books is like a room without windows. No man has a right to bring up children without surrounding them with books.... Children learn to read being in the presence of books." - Horace Mann (1796-1859)  

Bengkel Perancangan Strategik Perpustakaan UiTM 2011 - 2015,

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Menghadiri Bengkel Perancangan Strategik Perpustakaan UiTM 2011 - 2015, Crystal Ballroom, Hotel Bayview Beach Resort , Penang

Tema Kelestarian Ilmu
Dasar Perlaksanan
Persekitaran Baru Rebranding

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Bengkel Perancangan Strategik Perpustakaan UiTM 2011 - 2015


Menghadiri Bengkel Perancangan Strategik Perpustakaan UiTM 2011 - 2015, Crystal Ballroom, Hotel Bayview Beach Resort , Penang

Tema Kelestarian Ilmu
Dasar Perlaksanan
Persekitaran Baru Rebranding

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Invitation to IBM Business Gets Social on 10 Apr 2012 at The Westin Kuala Lumpur

Monday, March 19, 2012

If you cannot view this message properly, click here to view the online version.


Social + mobile + cloud = opportunity
At Lotusphere 2012, we explored what this means. Now, we're bringing this message to the Business Gets Social 2012 software roadshow to show how you can complete the equation for your business.
The time is now to become a Social Business.
Smartphones and social media are changing the way people communicate. Organizations that successfully make the leap to social will reap huge rewards and outpace the competition.

Social Business is more than just creating a Facebook page or a Twitter handle. It is also how you deepen customer relationships, drive operational efficiencies and optimize your workforce through leveraging the networks that currently exist within your business.

Just starting or well down the road?
Come for our event and hear how other global companies and government departments are developing and implementing their Social Business strategies. Learn how you can:

Improve customer engagement for increased customer value through IBM social, mobile, and cloud solutions.
Optimize operations and invent new ideas via insights gained from analytics.
Increase cross-sell, upsell among existing customers and drive brand awareness by leveraging social capabilities.
Foster more productive and collaborative practices within your own organization to further drive productivity and reduce business cycle times.

Designed for forward-thinking business leaders.
Attend the event and learn how you can achieve unprecedented returns on time invested by cultivating a spirit of collaboration. Your business needs to get social. Don't get left behind.


1 IDC, "Worldwide Social Platforms 2010 Vendor Shares," Doc#228808, June 2011

For more information, please call Gerald or Ginny at 03-7805 1700 or email


  IDC ranked IBM No.1 in worldwide market share for social platform software for 2009 and 2010 1.  
  IBM Connections wins UK's V3 2011 Technology Award for best business social media platform2.  

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Thursday, March 15, 2012


Adalah dimaklumkan, dalam usaha merealisasikan transformasi PTAR dan sejajar dengan saranan Y.Bhg. Dato’ Naib Canselor bagi kecemerlangan Universiti, salah satu penambahbaikan perkhidmatan perpustakaan adalah dengan memanjangkan tempoh waktu perkhidmatan perpustakaan sehingga 24 jam / jam 12.00 tengah malam.

Perkhidmatan ini akan bermula pada 5 Mac 2012 sepanjang semester. Keputusan lokasi perkhidmatan tersebut adalah berdasarkan daripada statistik kedatangan pelajar yang diambil pada semester lepas. Berikut adalah perpustakaan yang terlibat dengan perubahan waktu pembukaan perkhidmatan:

i. Perkhidmatan 24 jam:
PTAR 1 dan Perpustakaan Kejuruteraan (PTAR 3)
Isnin - Jumaat : 24 jam
Sabtu & Ahad : 8.00 pagi - 5.00 petang

ii. Perkhidmatan sehingga jam 12.00 tengah malam:
Perpustakaan Pengurusan Perniagaan (PTAR 2); Perpustakaan Undang-Undang (PTAR 2); Perpustakaan Sains & Teknologi (PTAR 4): Perpustakaan Alam Bina (PTAR FSPU)
Isnin - Jumaat : 8.00 pagi - 12.00 tengah malam
Sabtu & Ahad : 8.00 pagi - 5.00 petang

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SBPA vs SSM, SBPA dimansuh, kembali ke SSM

Thursday, March 8, 2012

PUTRAJAYA: Skim gaji kakitangan kerajaan, Saraan Baru Perkhidmatan Awam (SBPA) yang diperkenalkan untuk dilaksana berkuat kuasa 1 Januari lalu, akan dimansuhkan, kata Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak hari ini.

Sehubungan itu, 1.4 juta kakitangan awam akan tertakluk kepada Sistem Saraan Malaysia (SSM), yang diguna pakai sebelum ini, dengan dilakukan penambahbaikan.
Perdana Menteri juga berkata, sebuah suruhanjaya khas yang terdiri daripada pelbagai pihak akan dibentuk bagi mengkaji sistem saraan perkhidmatan awam secara menyeluruh.
Beliau yang juga Menteri Kewangan  mengumumkan pelarasan gaji sebanyak
Berhubung pelarasan gaji pula, keputusan yang dibuat seperti berikut:
  • Kenaikan 13 peratus bagi kumpulan pengurusan, profesional dan pelaksana dari gred 1 hingga 54.
  • Kenaikan 9 peratus untuk gred utama kumpulan JUSA C, B dan A.
  • Kenaikan 8 peratus untuk turus 3 dan 2.
  • Kenaikan 7 peratus untuk turus 1 dan ketua setiausaha.

Najib juga mengumumkan jadual gaji matriks yang dilaksanakan sekarang diubahsuai kepada gaji minimum-maksimum dengan kadar kenaikan RM80-RM320 bagi Gred 1-54 manakala gred bagi Jusa kekal mengikut kenaikan tahunan SSM.
Bagi Elaun Bantuan Sara Hidup (COLA), Najib mengumumkan kenaikan kepada RM250 sebulan dari RM200 bagi kawasan B manakala bagi kawasan C dinaikkan kepada RM150 daripada RM100.
Perdana Menteri membuat pengumuman itu pada perhimpunan khas bersama penjawat awam di Dewan Perdana Pusat Konvensyen Antarabangsa Putrajaya pagi ini.
Ekoran bantahan sebahagian besar kakitangan awam dan Cuepacs sendiri, kerajaan memutuskan untuk menangguhkan pelaksanaan SBPA awal Januari lalu.
Susulan penangguhan itu, kerajaan menubuhkan sebuah pasukan petugas bagi melaksanakan semakan semula SBPA dan diberi tempoh tiga bulan untuk membuat kajian dan penambahbaikan terhadap skim baru itu.
Kerajaan naikkan kadar COLA kepada RM250, RM150

Pelarasan gaji berdasarkan jadual matriks SSM: PM


Siaran Langsung Perhimpunan Khas Penjawat Awam 8 Mac 2012, Putrajaya

Perhimpunan penjawat awam bersama YAB Perdana Menteri Malaysia  diadakan pada:

Tarikh : 8 Mac 2012
Masa : 8.00 pagi hingga 12.00 tengahari
Tempat : Dewan Perdana, Dewan A dan Dewan B Pusat Konvensyen Antarabangsa Putrajaya (PICC)
Semua penjawat awam di seluruh Malaysia dijemput hari bagi mendengar satu pengumuman penting yang akan disampaikan oleh YAB Perdana Menteri Malaysia

Siaran Langsung Perhimpunan Khas Penjawat Awam boleh di ikuti di RTM  TV1

7 March It's Apple iPad Launch Day : 11 Moments To Expect


The Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Theater in South-of-Market San Francisco is a warm, intimate, high-tech venue, which is probably why Apple keeps coming back here for its iPad launches. Far smaller than the neighboring Moscone Center, the YCBA theater boasts a mere 755 seats.

Here’s what we can guarantee about Wednesday morning: every last one of those seats will be filled. Two of them will be occupied by your ever-loving Mashable crew.

Beyond that, very little is certain. As you know by now, Apple’s obsessive secrecy about their product launches makes Fort Knox look like a shopping mall on Christmas Eve. And let’s post this clear caveat one more time: every last rumor about this event could well be wrong.

But there is a pattern to these launch events, and if you’ve been to enough of them — as editor-in-chief Lance Ulanoff and I have — you get a sense of how it’s going to go. The process was honed over the years by the maestro, Steve Jobs, so incumbent CEO Tim Cook is standing on the shoulders of a keynote-loving giant. Here’s how we expect it to go:

1) Cook will take the stage. Unassuming as he is, at this point there simply isn’t anyone else at Apple with his stature. Look for assists from old hands, such as marketing chief Phil Schiller, but Cook will be the main attraction. (Design guru Jonny Ive tends to show up on video rather than on stage.)

2) Let’s start with some numbers. As with any good entertainer, Apple knows not to hit the crowd with the performance they’re expecting straight away. No doubt we’ll see some updated stats on iPhone and Mac sales; almost certainly, we’ll be reminded that the App store just hit its 25 billionth download.

In short, the numbers will be dazzling, and it’s all part of the act. Applause will be widespread and frequent in the non-press seats. A salesperson would call this “pumping the buying temperature.”

3) Two words: Mountain Lion. Apple has a captive audience and a new Mac OS in the works — one that isn’t going on sale until this summer. Expect to see its main features (Messages, Reminders, Twitter et al) recounted in loving detail, while the tech press shift uncomfortably in their seats.

4) A short history of the iPad. Talk of Mountain Lion, with all its iOS integration, should naturally pivot to the tablet we’re here to celebrate. This is Cook’s opportunity to take us back to early 2010, when Jobs unveiled the original iPad to an extremely skeptical press corps. It would be a good time for a few jokes — remember how we all thought it just looked like a large iPhone? — as well as more eye-popping stats on sales since then.

If Apple is going to get in a few digs at tablet competitors who have been taking pot-shots of their own — hello, Samsung — now would be the time.

5) iOS6, is that you? Here’s the first big unknown. Will Cook tease us with news of Apple’s next generation mobile operating system (which someone at Apple is apparently already using to read Mashable)? Or will that wait until the iPhone 5 unveiling this fall?

6) What’s next. The windup to the big pitch. Expect Cook to talk about the retina display on the iPhone 4 and 4S; how clean and crisp it looks at that resolution. Now, wouldn’t it be great to see that on a larger screen?


SEE ALSO: Is a Retina Screen on the iPad Overkill?

7) The big reveal. Here we are at the moment of truth. What is this new device? What is its focus? Is it the iPad 3 or, as practically everyone in the blogging world now expects, the iPad HD? Is it bulkier, slimmer or the exact same size as its predecessor? Will it be allowed to run Siri? How’s its battery life? Will its data service models use 3G or 4G? How good are the front and back cameras? Will we get stereo speakers? When can we get our hands on one?


In short, pretty much all the fanboy questions of the last six months will be answered in five minutes or less. The rest is icing.

8. Demos, demos, demos. Time to wheel out the heads of this and that product group, followed by the makers of this and that app, as the main features of the new device get taken for a spin. Undoubtedly we’ll see a lot of what games look like on a tablet with ridiculously high resolution — perhaps a game or two in development that no one has seen yet. Infinity Blade 3, anyone?

9. Let’s watch some videos. Here’s where we’ll see how Apple intends to market the new tablet. Indeed, if Cook’s launch of the iPhone 4S is any indication, videos will be shown throughout.

10. One more thing? A staple of Jobs keynotes, the last-minute surprise was lacking in Cook’s unveiling of the iPhone 4S. Perhaps this is a permanent change, a recognition that no one could carry it off like Steve. But if there is one more thing, it might be the ideal moment to reveal the new Apple TV box — or maybe, just maybe, the fabled iTV — and showcase its ability to connect seamlessly with the new iPad.


SEE ALSO: The iPad HD — Is This How Apple Will Own the Living Room?

11. The aftershow. The press wraps up its liveblogs and begins analyzing every detail of the new device. If we’re lucky, there will be hands-on demos somewhere inside YBCA. If not, we’ll be out on the street, jostling for cabs, our heads spinning, our minds writing headlines.


In short, another unforgettable morning at YBCA. How close is this to the mark? We’ll find out in a few short hours. Our live blog starts at noon ET, 9 a.m. PT. See you then!




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Apple Bakal Memperkenalkan iPad Baru

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Khabar-khabar angin di Internet mengatakan Apple akan melancarkan iPad baru pada 7 Mac nanti. Hari tersebut adalah jatuh pada hari Rabu, iaitu hari yang sama Apple memperkenalkan iPad 2 pada tahun 2011, malah Apple juga melancarkan iPad pertamanya pada hari Rabu 27 Januari 2010. Tarikh itu juga kena dengan ura-ura yang mengatakan Apple akan lancarkan tablet baru itu pada minggu pertama bulan Mac.

Kebanyakan pakar percaya iPad 3 akan didatangkan dengan ciri-ciri skrin resolusi tinggi (Retina) dan pemproses yang lebih laju (mungkin pemproses quad-core pertama Apple), serta juga penambahan memori dalaman. Tablet itu juga mungkin akan dipasarkan dengan harga bermula dari US$499 (RM1,515) dan ke atas. Mengikut ramalan oleh penganalis Wall Street, iPad 3 dijangka akan melonjakkan jualan tablet Apple kepada 11.3 juta untuk suku pertama, iaitu sehingga 140% daripada 4.7 juta unit yang syarikat itu jual dalam tempoh yang sama tahun lalu
What to expect in Apple's new iPad 

Apple perkenal tablet iPad  lebih murah?
TAIPEI 2 Mac - Apple Inc. dilapor bakal memperkenalkan komputer tablet iPad 2 yang lebih murah serta dua lagi model iPad 3 dalam satu majlis pelancaran pada minggu depan, jelas laman berita teknologi Taiwan.
Laman web DigiTimes yang beribu pejabat di Taiwan memetik satu sumber pembekal gajet itu sebagai berkata, Apple akan melancarkan dua model iPad 3 yang menawarkan kapasiti 16 gigabit (GB) dan 32 GB serta model iPad 2 dengan kapasiti 8 GB.
"Selain produk iPad 3, Apple juga akan memperkenalkan gajet iPad 2 kapasiti 8 GB dengan membenarkan tablet komputer peribadi (PC) itu menampung segmen berbeza dan melindunginya daripada tablet PC lain yang berasaskan program Windows 8," kata DigiTimes.
Jelas DigiTimes, dengan tempahan yang semakin banyak diterima, pengedaran iPad 3 pada suku pertama tahun ini dijangka meningkat dua kali ganda daripada anggaran asal.
Model iPad 3 yang akan dikeluarkan dijangka mempunyai panel skrin sebesar 9.7 inci definisi tinggi sepenuhnya QXGA dengan resolusi 2048x1536 (264dpi) serta dua lampu LED sebagai cahaya latar tablet tersebut.
Sementara itu, satu artikel berasingan di laman CNET menyatakan, gajet iPad 2 itu merupakan antara usaha Apple untuk mencabar tablet alternatif lain yang lebih murah dan popular seperti Amazon Kindle Fire atau Barnes & Noble Nook.
Katanya, Apple telah mengikut strategi sama pada tahun lalu apabila mereka mengeluarkan telefon pintar model iPhone 4S yang menawarkan kapasiti 8 GB pada harga AS$99 (RM296) dengan perjanjian selama dua tahun.
Telefon pintar iPhone 4 kapasiti 16 GB dan 32 GB dijual pada harga AS$199 (RM596) sebelum pengumuman itu dibuat.
"Dengan beberapa cabaran daripada tablet alternatif di pasaran, Apple terpaksa menawarkan iPad yang lebih murah kepada pembelinya.
"Jika syarikat itu mengikut model iPhone, mereka akan menawarkan gajet iPad 3 pada harga penuh dan gajet iPad 2 pada harga diskaun," ujarnya. - AGENSI